Success & Happiness



Research shows, success and happiness in life are 90% your own effort, drive and work and only 10% circumstance. Your life is testament to your own efforts – Life and happiness is what we make of it.

A recent career move and home change got me reflecting on my journey to where I am today, and I’m happy to say that, every change in one’s life comes with lessons. When you have direction, a positive attitude in life and know who you are, you see life in a different way. With all my life’s changes, I’m much more at peace with myself, content with my life, confident of what I want and sure of how to get there.

Knowing who you are is important and knowing what’s important in your life is even more important. Doing the tough inner work of knowing yourself intimately and committing every day to shaping your habits, thinking and behaviours in a more positive, life-affirming and connective way, is what makes life more satisfying and your career filled with more meaning, purpose, joy and happiness.

My change in home and move to live closer to work has allowed me more quality time with my husband, more me time, less stress (in not having to sit in 1.5 hours traffic to work in the morning and 1.5 hours traffic home at night) and more time to do what’s important to me and knowing what makes me happy. Not only has the change in home decreased my stress levels, it has also increased my eagerness to get to work and do what I enjoy most. My career move has further energized my passion and I’m extremely proud to be a contributing member to a pioneering, dynamic, energetic, results and performance driven team!

So I urge you to make the effort in your life, of which you have 90% control of, to create the happiness you deserve and the life you want. Make happiness happen!

8 Inner Keys To Greater Success and Happiness 

  1. Your expectations – Expectations are more often than not based on faulty logic and reasoning. The outer change you crave is possible only after you change how you’re operating in the world and your inner experience, including your expectations. If you expect that good should come to you, but you’re not actively participating in bringing about positive change, you’ll be sorely disappointed.
  2. Bring gratitude to mind – Write down three new things that you are grateful for each day. It allows perspective and to appreciate things more.
  3. Journal – Think about a positive experience you’ve had recently for 2 minutes once a day. Reminding yourself of positvity, and this drives more energised thoughts.
  4. Exercise – Engage in 15 minutes of mindful cardio activity. Exercise is good for the body and mind. Cardio exercise is the clear winner when it comes to stopping brain drain.
  5. Meditate – Have some time of silence for 2 minutes a day or watch your breath go in and out for 2 minutes a day. This gives you time to reflect and to refocus your efforts.
  6. Engage in a random, conscious act of kindness – For example, write a 2-minute positive email thanking a friend or colleague, or compliment someone you admire on social media. Smile its healthy.
  7. Your decision making – Decisions are fundamental tools that help you face life’s challenges, uncertainties and opportunities. And the quality and efficacy of your decisions will determine how successful, fulfilled and productive you’ll be. Your decisions can only be good and productive when you focus on the right problem. When you are facing a decision, make sure you identify the deepest root of the problem, and address that directly.
  8. Your goal setting – The most important part of goal-setting is that your goals are natural outgrowths of who you are and what you care about. If your goals are in conflict with your authentic values and beliefs, you won’t achieve them. You’ll sabotage the path to these goals, because deep down, the attainment of them feels wrong. Look at the goals you have in place in your life – do they make you feel alive? Do they represent the highest version of you? Will you be proud of yourself for attaining them? Do they inspire you? Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-related – and reflective of your highest potential.

Your commitment to action

Do these steps for 30 days, and you will begin to see a lasting shift in your mindset towards more positivity and happiness. You have to commit to putting one step in front of the other each and every day on the way to a more expansive life that reflects and honours your talents, passions, interests, values, and your non-negotiables.

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